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Which is Right for YOU?
                    - or -              ?

  • Are you looking to improve a certain area of your life?                          

  • Are you looking to improve your personal relationships?                        

  • Are you seeking assistance in setting and accomplishing goals?

  • Are you seeking help for Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, or other mental health disorder?                                                

  • Are you seeking help for a substance abuse problem?                    

  • Are you seeking help with unresolved trauma?

Why Christian Counseling?

As a young adult, I attended counseling sessions with a Licensed Therapist for almost a year. I had a great relationship with her and I feel that the counseling experience was positive and I received a great deal of help from her.  But, while she proclaimed to be a believer, some of the statements that she made and questions that she asked, were definitely not in line with my belief system and my understanding of Jesus or the Bible.  It just didn't add up.  At that time, I had no idea that there even was such a thing as Christian Counseling.  Had I known, I don't know that I ever would have gone to her office.  While I am thankful for the help that she provided, I also believe that I might have been healthier after therapy and been stronger in my faith had I experienced counseling with a Christian therapist.  
However, I also believe that counselors should be licensed and trained.  I do not believe that Christian counseling and Research Based therapy interventions are in opposition to one another.  I believe, in the right context, they complement one another beautifully.  I have seen this both in the work that I do with my clients, and also in my own life in later work done with Christian Counselors.  

If you would like to invite Christ into the counseling or coaching process with you, just click on the appropriate link above to schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation call.

Tel: 706-341-3750

©2024 by Odona Whiddon, Counselor & Coach

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